“I’m fine.” But how could she be? Sitting, waiting, with her jersey and cleats on, she had missed her last soccer game ever.
Her sister with RAD had locked herself in the bathroom, screaming obscenities, and refusing to come out. Once the game had begun and there was no way to make it in time, her sister unlocked the door and calmly came out. No apology, no remorse…just a smile.
This wasn’t the first time her sister with RAD had caused her to miss something important to her. In fact, it was clear to her that her sister determined the family schedule and controlled when and where they could go.
She’s not alone. That’s why we created RAD Sibs.
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I have felt SO alone and have had no one to talk to about this stuff! Thank you for making a place that I can go and realize that I am not alone, and that others understand!
You really helped me when I watched the video. So I just want to say thank you and never ignore your feelings!
Thank you so much for this. It means so much for my eldest to be able to know there are others out there.
Mother of RAD Sib
My college son read it and loved it!! Said he finally felt like someone understood.
Mother of RAD Sib