
See what other RAD Sibs are saying and find strength in community!


Being a RAD Sib can feel lonely. Always remember you are known and loved!


Find ideas on how to connect with your parents and those you love!

Why connect with us?

I have felt SO alone and have had no one to talk to about this stuff! Thank you for making a place that I can go and realize that I am not alone, and that others understand!
You really helped me when I watched the video. So I just want to say thank you and never ignore your feelings!

RAD Sibs Spotlight

There Are Others Like You

Two young adults share their stories of life as RAD Sibs. Listen to how they cope - what helps them and what doesn't.

RAD Sibs Spotlight

Sage's story

Sage shares her story of living with 3 siblings with RAD.

RAD Sibs Spotlight

Shari's story

Shari shares her story of pain, healing and encouragement.

RAD Sibs Spotlight

Johnny's story

Johnny, a sibling of RAD, offers encouragement to other siblings and families.

RAD Sibs Spotlight

DANI's story

Dani shares how her experience as a sibling has shaped her perspective on motherhood and family.

RAD Sibs Spotlight

Crystal's story

Crystal shares her story of living with a sibling with RAD.

sib creations

RAD Sibs’ Quotes

Not everyone's going to get it and that's okay.

Find the helpful people.


Take the Time

Take the time to talk with your parents. It may be tough but be brave! Chances are, you'll feel better when you do!

All Clear

Wait until it's all clear and your sibling with RAD is not near your parents then ask to speak with them alone.

Lay It Out

If you can be honest with your parents about how you feel and what's happening in your life, you're more likely to feel connected and understood.

Keep It Going

Talking with your parents gets easier the more you do it. So keep it going! You'll understand each other better and be able to come up with solutions, if any are needed.

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RAD Sibs around the country

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The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.